Staples Inc Is Closing Stores Business Opportunity

Staples Inc Is Closing Stores Business Opportunity
Get The Cash Make More Money

Monday, April 13, 2009

Save money on inkjet cartridges, buy them wholesale factory direct, New Deal Ink & Toner Company, WHOLESALE CATALOG HERE, print your own, save money,

Save money on inkjet cartridges, buy them wholesale factory direct, New Deal Ink & Toner Company, WHOLESALE CATALOG HERE, print your own, save money, start your own home based inkjet business, no inventory, no selling, Fortune 100 specialist puts the surprise on the inkjet and toner market. The New Deal Ink and Toner company based in Mechanicsburg Pa has really struck the NEW DEAL, just like the name says.

Gregory Bodenhamer, the founder of New Deal Ink & Toner Company Mechanicsburg Pa has started down home, neighborhood dealerships, down your street if your lucky, around the corner and across the country. NDIT went directly to factories and large supply chain suppliers with a wheel barrow full of cash and one simple, far rearching, earth shatering idea, better prices for New Deal Ink and Toner customers with a guarantee of quality and supply.

The inkjet and laser toner wholesale catalog is floating around the internet, sticking to money and making people smile all over the country. Greg makes it clear, " if you want a new deal you have to ask for it". Gregory Bodenhamer is an X specialist with the big Staple as he calls it and brings to the table years of supply chain experience, fulfillment and distribution genius and lower prices. The new Netflix of inkjet cartridges might just be the New Deal Ink and Toner Company.

Customers love the idea and its growing. Kind of odd to tell customers the truth, but it has always worked for me, states Greg during the interview.

"We save people Money on inkjet"

Their logo is a big smile with a green thumb. Recyle or Money, it's all Green states the company representative.