Buying a service
Anyway, it's an undisputed fact that the liquid ink you buy in an ink cartridge, doesn't cost anywhere near as much to make, physically, as it costs to buy. But you aren't just buying ink and you aren't even just paying for ink plus a cartridge, plus packaging, distribution and the vendors' margins. For want of a better word, you are buying a service that is an extension of the printer. While many think ink cartridge prices are a rip-off, in the case of many a printer, unless you use a certain minimum number of cartridges during the life of that printer, the printer manufacturer will, in effect, lose money on that printer.
Look at the size, mechanical sophistication and precision of a typical consumer-specification ink-jet printer and compare it with, say, a digital camera that probably costs twice or three times as much in the shop. Which product actually costs more to make? If printer manufacturers decided to charge us what it costs to make the printer, plus the commercial retail margin, the cost could be shockingly high. Many of us might not be able to justify buying one. But, instead, the ink might be incredibly cheap to buy.
In fact, printers aimed at professional users, who are likely to consume large quantities of ink over the lifetime of the printer, tend to have to pay more for the printer in the first place and relatively less for ink when calculated as a cost for the area printed.
Cheap printers, expensive inks
Unfortunately, in the consumer market printer manufacturers have been forced into an retail model that requires them to realise a profit on the cheap and affordable original printer sale through follow-up sales of a minimum number of ink cartridges. This penalises users who print more than the manufacturer budgeted for. In recognition of this, some manufacturers do offer high capacity cartridges sold at a lower cost per ml, but the demand for cheaper alternative supplies of ink remains high.
The pros and cons of third party inks and cartridges is the subject for a different debate. But basically, unless you are using a specialised third party ink product with a proven track record, to go for a cheap third party ink is very risky. Colour accuracy, fade resistance and print quality are usually inferior and even the reliability of your printer can become an issue with some of these inks. The irony is that it's the vendors of third party inks that are, potentially, making most money per ml of ink sold, not the printer manufacturers.

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Monday, September 21, 2009
Unfortunately, in the consumer market printer manufacturers have been forced into an retail model that requires them to realise a profit on the cheap and affordable original printer sale through follow-up sales of a minimum number of ink cartridges
Dealers Wanted NDITC,
Gregory Bodenhamer,
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inkjet cartridges mechanicsburg pa harrisburg pa hershey pa york pa carlisle pa new deal ink toner,
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New Deal Ink and Toner Company Start your business,
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Tuesday, September 8, 2009

17011 Camp Hill Pa 17025 Enola Pa 17043 Lemoyne Pa 17070 New Cumberland Pa 17093 Summerdale Pa 17319 Etters Pa 17339 Lewisberry Pa 17370 York Haven Pa 17008 Bowmansdale Pa 17011 Shiremanstown Pa 17027 Grantham Pa 17055 Mechanicsburg Pa 17050 Mechanicsburg Pa 17072 New Kingstown Pa 17007 Boiling Springs Pa 17013 Carlisle Pa 17015 Carlisle 17065 Mt Holly Sprints Pa 17081 Plainfield Pa 17266 Walnut Bottom Pa 17324 Gardners Pa 17337 Idaville Pa 17241 Newville Pa 17006 Blain Pa 17018 Dauphin Pa 17020 Duncannon Pa 17024 Elliotsburg Pa 17032 Halifax Pa 17037 Ickesburg Pa 17040 Landisburg Pa 17045 Liverpool Pa 17047 Loysville Pa 17053 Marysville Pa 17062 Millerstown Pa 17068 New Bloomfield Pa 17069 New Buffalo Pa 17074 Newport Pa 17090 Shermansdale Pa 17028 Grantville Pa 17033 Hershey Pa 17109 Progress Pa 17111 Swatara Pa 17112 Linglestown Pa 17019 Dillsburg Pa 17323 Franklintown Pa
#02 (C8721) Black #02 (C8771) Cyan #02 (C8772) Magenta #02 (C8773) Yellow #02 (C8774) Lt. Cyan #02 (C8775) Lt. Mag #10 (C4841) Cyan #10 (C4842) Yellow #10 (C4843) Magenta #10 (C4844) Black #11 (C4836) Cyan #11 (C4837) Magenta #11 (C4838) Yellow #15 (C6615) Black #16 (C1816) Photo #17 (C6625) Color #19 (C6628) Black #20 (C6614) Black #21 (C9351) Black #22 (C9352) Color #23 (C1823) Color #25 (51625) Color #26 (51626) Black #27 (C8727) Black #28 (C8728) Color #29 (51629) Black #41 (51641) Color #45 (51645) Black #49 (51649) Color #56 (C6656) Black #57 (C6657) Color #58 (C6658) Photo #59 (C9359) GPhoto #74 (CB335) Black #74XL (CB336) Black #75 (CB337) Color #75XL (CB338) Color #78 (C6578) Color #88 (C9385) Black #88XL (C9391) Cyan #88XL (C9392) Mag #88XL (C9393) Yellow #88XL (C9396) Black #92 (C9362) Black #93 (C9361) Color #94 (C8765) Black #95 (C8766) Color #96 (C8767) Black #97 (C9363) Color #98 (C9364) Black #99 (C9369) Photo #100 (C9368) GPhoto #110 (CB304) Color NewDealInk@Live.Com
Gregory Bodenhamer
Importer Wholesale Distributor
Hewlett Packard Epson Canon Brother Lexmark and Dell
New Deal Ink and Toner Company 50 % Less Than Major Retailers
Best Buy Wal-Mart Target Office Max Staples Office Depot
Dealers Wanted NDITC,
home based business opportunity,
inkjet cartridges mechanicsburg pa harrisburg pa hershey pa york pa carlisle pa new deal ink toner,
inkjet toner refill refilling business opportunity nditc,
New Deal Ink and Toner Company Start your business,
refill machines used
Did these giant companies, the Fortune Companies like Hewlett Packard, Brother, Epson, Canon and Lexmark, just to mention a few spend millions of dollars on research, chemistry, production discipline, knowledge based research and development?
Wouldn't it be great to be able to quit your job, be your own boss and earn a paycheck from the comfort of your own home?
Its part of that American Dream, in these tough economic times they are few guarantees, but the opportunities surround us if you know where to look. Millions and millions of people are looking to earn more money and save money at the same time.
One Dollar = Five Dollars
They call this profit.
Maybe you should get to know Gregory Bodenhamer, the founder of a great company that’s spreading like a healthy weed across America.
If you can learn these few things, really learn them, study and apply what Gregory Bodenhamer teaches, you’re going to change your success rate, inspire other people, forget about the price of gasoline and start helping other people. New Deal Ink and Toner Company is about people first, they just happen to sell more inkjet and laser toner cartridges than you can imagine. The principles of Gregory Bodenhamer are being taught around the world, one human being at a time. The State College Nollijy University Research Institute sponsors the white paper concerning research and people. New Deal Ink and Toner Company Mechanicsburg Pa is stretching around the world are the fortune 500 group is taking notice.
Hello my name is Dorothy Parker Ph.D. and my know-how and proficiency remains helping other people start and most importantly continue to operate a profitable business. I found Gregory working at a Fortune 100 company as one of a hand full of specialists, helping them grow and profit and the rest is history or should I say history in the making.
Gregory has started and sustained something. It’s called the New Deal Ink and Toner Company for a great reason, it’s never been done before, and it’s truly a New Deal Ink and Toner Company. It’s the very first public company that created and established an entire company based on the people first. Gregory Bodenhamer is the pioneer of people (PeopleNology) companies that just happen to sell products and services. His foundation work is found within fortune 500 companies, initial public offerings, small chapter S corporations and maybe even your local lemonade stand. Many people have never heard of PeopleNology because it’s right under the surface of many companies, making them profitable, making them happy, helping them grow and prosper into the future.
The good news is that with a little planning and some inventory help and advertising help from the New Deal Ink and Toner Company, it is possible to start your very own home based, cash making company. All you have to do is Google the name New Deal Ink and Toner Company Mechanicsburg Pa and get started.
Let's delve a little deeper into how to start a small inkjet, laser toner business from your own home or for that matter from your backyard garage, and help you decide how much planning and money you'll need to be your own boss.
Gregory Bodenhamer giving away the New Deal Ink and Toner Company Concept is your first big step to a new career.
Business is all about people first and products and services second. This is the new way to make money, people first.
Before you quit your job or before you go into business, the potential entrepreneur (you) must always first think of a concept, product or service to generate a steady income.
What do people want?
What do people buy?
Why do they buy those things?
Who do they buy them from?
How much do they pay?
Where do they buy from?
Are they happy?
Are they sad?
Answer these simple questions.
Do you have a computer?
Do you have a computer printer?
Does your printer take inkjet cartridges?
Does your printer take laser toner cartridges?
These are simple questions and your answers bring about a whole new business called the New Deal Ink and Toner Company.
Try not to become a man of success but rather try to become a man of value.
Some more questions?
Where do you buy your inkjet cartridges?
Where do you buy your laser toner cartridges?
Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.
Some more questions?
Do you know people that own computers?
Do you know people that buy printer ink?
Do you know people that buy laser toner cartridges?
And while that may sound easy, it's not. We have just asked some very simple questions that have arranged a multi-billion dollar industry for the most part that’s growing year after year.
If I have been of service, if I have glimpsed more of the nature and essence of ultimate good, if I am inspired to reach wider horizons of thought and action, if I am at peace with myself, it has been a successful day.
More questions?
Have you ever bought inkjet cartridges?
Were you happy with the price?
Have you ever been inside a Wal-Mart, Staples, Office Max, Bj’s Wholesale, Office Depot, Best Buy Store, Cartridge World or any other place that sells inkjet and laser toner cartridges?
Have you ever bought laser toner cartridges?
Do you know a business that has a printer?
Does your school have a printer?
Does your church have a printer?
Do your friends have a computer printer?
Your ability to learn faster than your competition is your only sustainable competitive advantage.
You should conceive a plan that puts your knowledge, experience and expertise to use but in a way that allows you to make the most amount of money. It’s only common sense to plan a business that will make money, with easy to find customers. It’s also very important today to realize that every human being on earth needs something. The good food, water and clothing are always required. But modern neighborhoods are full of modern technology and this technology has needs just like a human being. Realize that technology, specialized equipment like laser toner printers and inkjet computer printers are machinery and tools that require very little skill but does consume things like electricity, inkjet printer cartridges, laser toner cartridges and other consumables.
All my growth and development led me to believe that if you really do the right thing, and if you play by the rules, and if you've got good enough, solid judgment and common sense, that you're going to be able to do whatever you want to do with your life.
In all reality most people now have a computer and just about all computers come with a brand new printer that uses inkjet or laser toner printer cartridges, and they cost a lot of real money.
When first thinking of some business ideas, start with areas you already have a great deal of interest, equipment and materials for or can get quickly at some affordable price.
If your area of experience is not the place for you maybe it’s time that you strike out for something new and exciting and most importantly profitable.
The ink business is kind of like the barber shop haircut business.
The distance between insanity and genius is measured only by success.
You get a haircut often because in just a matter of weeks you need another one. An inkjet cartridge is about the same thing. Your printer requires ink and if you use it, you’ll need another inkjet cartridge in just a few weeks. To eat something is to consume something. To print something on your computer printer eats up ink inside your inkjet printer cartridges. Your printer guzzles ink and burns up a lot of your money.
Inkjet and Laser Toner Cartridges are described as consumables that illustrate that you use them and go buy another one. Your razor blades are the same way. You wear one out and run to the store and buy another. You drive your automobile by using gasoline, when you run out, you stop. When you run out of ink inside your inkjet or toner inside your laser toner cartridges you stop and discontinue printing, the process of printing ends and you must go buy more ink or toner. Sounds simple enough and you can turn out to be the richest man or women on the block if you may sell ink.
Small opportunities are often the beginning of great enterprises.
You can instantly buy a franchise and start your own ink business, but they are very expensive. The ink business does not have to be high-priced but most people just don’t know any better. People, just like you, have been taught through marketing and sales that ink is high priced, exclusive in nature and the brand names like Hewlett Packard, Epson, Brother, Canon and Lexmark is some kind of classy posh ink that you must have.
This is the business that you can start without any of the financial or economic fear that surrounds most business start ups. With very little hard cash you can start selling inside the multi-billion dollar ink business.
The fresh and contemporary author Dorothy Parker Ph.D. allows you the up-to-the-minute information you need to create your own business and launch your own great success. With this fortune 100 pioneer Gregory Bodenhamer Mechanicsburg Pa and the father of his own business you can have a new beginning. The foundation information that you must have is given to you freely and without all the counterfeit advice found inside so many business books. This is a genuine and real life guide book that allows you to start, survive, create success and become a noteworthy seller of inkjet, laser toner cartridges.
You and a bunch of friends can get together and toss your money in the hat and start anything you want. You should know that most business adventures fail. You’ll be glad to know that we know why most small businesses fail. We’ve solved all those problems.
1. You need a customer.
2. You need to know what they need and buy.
3. You need a supplier or factory or make what they buy.
4. You need to make profit on each transaction.
5. You need hundreds or thousands of transaction.
6. You need to understand that business is risk.
7. Customers don’t trust, they try first and then they trust.
8. You need a supply chain, factory, warehouse, store, customers. How do you get it to the customer.
9. You need help and advice from experienced people.
10. You need to sleep at night.
We all know the major brand names within this multi-billion dollar marketplace. The Fortune Companies like Hewlett Packard, Brother, Epson, Canon and Lexmark, just to mention a few, have become too important within the market and have made billions, yes billions of dollars in profit, they have forgotten the customers.
At times, in certain situations,their substantial size and production capacities, their world-class marketing and supply chain capabilities gives them the market capacity to charge too much and too often and trick customers, fund and support deceptive marketing and sales, trap and scam customers by the millions.
Their resources and wherewithal has created and sustained a global market within their product lines. They also have many inabilities, which we will review and talk about for your benefit. Hello, my name is Gregory Bodenhamer and I remain a Fortune 100 specialist and authority within the supply chain, wholesale and retail operations of very big companies.
Getting expert help is the key to success. This will help cut down on the startup costs as you won’t be making the mistakes like the guys down the street. Experience is knowledge and know-how and any company must have growing pains and suffer through start ups, inventory shortages, labor disputes and market changes but expert experience keeps everything in perspective so you can succeed.
For your company to hit the ground running when you do hang out your sign you’re going to need help, maybe a rich uncle etc but one thing for sure you’re going to need customers and products.
As an expert within my specialized field you will find my thoughts and action steps qualified and proficient. The inkjet, laser toner cartridge business is worth tens of billions of dollars. My own career allows me to guide you, show you the way to the direct path to profits, revenue growth and all the good things you can gain by starting your own business. Let me give you a suggestion into the great allusion that has been created by The Fortune Companies like Hewlett Packard, Brother, Epson, Canon and Lexmark, just to mention a few. This suggestion also comes with a warning. The very mention of these facts to your friends and family will create some bitterness and anger so you should keep them hush-hush.
The great illusion or if you prefer the great fantasy is that inkjet and laser toner cartridge components are expensive. These giant global companies have created their own daydream and also the consumer nightmare. Quality ink for your inkjet printer cartridges wholesales within the printing industry for about $60.00 to $75.00 a gallon. If you use a inkjet cartridge refiller service like a Cartridge World, Office Max or even Walgreen’s you’re getting about $0.75 cents worth of black ink for $10.00 to $15.00 dollars. The marketplace has created the false impression that ink is very expensive and very exclusive and very special to your specific printer.
The complete story tells the whole truth.
You need to do some homework. Where can you purchase inkjet and laser toner cartridges?
This great illusion,
the brand name inkjet laser toner cartridge business, like most magic tricks have some reality facts mixed inside all the false impressions.
Did these giant companies, the Fortune Companies like Hewlett Packard, Brother, Epson, Canon and Lexmark, just to mention a few spend millions of dollars on research, chemistry, production discipline, knowledge based research and development? Yes.
These companies and their retail partners followed the American Dream right into your purse or wallet. These companies have done great things with machines, engineers, chemistry, process controls, management, and designs, marketing and just plain old selling their dream to you.
You can print anything you want at home.
This printing technology allows you to enter the art of printing without any special skills.
All you need is their printer and their expensive ink
Doing something you like isn't the only consideration. You need to get an idea of the prospects for the potential business. Is it a business with a market? Can you make money at it? This will require some research into the marketplace as well as how other similar businesses have fared.
Developing a Work Space
Your home is where you live. This means that its primary function is to serve as a dwelling for you and your family - not as a warehouse or meeting place for your business and its clients. Make certain that if you are considering entering the manufacturing business (for example) that your garage or shed is large enough to handle your work - without forcing your family and your vehicles into stormy weather.
Similarly, if your work will be computer-based, make sure that you have the technology necessary to give your idea a fighting chance. In addition, make sure that you have a dedicated area that's cut off from the rest of the house and that can afford you some privacy. Remember, hearing a barking dog or a crying baby in the background when you are trying to work or meet with a client may not be ideal for you or your family.
Outsourcing Partners/Employees
while it would be great to be the sole owner of your company and have complete control of every aspect, sometimes a lack of funds or experience make it necessary to have a partner. In this case, consider someone that is bright, will represent the company well, and has some sort of expertise in the business you are developing, be it sales, marketing, book-keeping, or other financial matters.
Also, try to define the tasks that you and your partner(s) will be responsible for before opening up shop. That way, there will be fewer disagreements and the business will operate more smoothly. Also, make sure that all partners are legally cared for by the company, and that the proper forms are filed with the regulatory authorities - this may mean filing twice and paying for title changes if you need to find a new partner, but it will protect both of you in the long run.
Next, decide if you'll need employees - whether now or in the future. If so, put some thought into how you will get them and what you will pay them for their work. Also, think about how you'll do payroll and whether people will want to work from your home, from their own homes or if you'll need to find another facility to house them.
Doing Your Research
some books on forming a small business suggest that after hatching an idea, an entrepreneur should just "go for it." However, this bold approach could land you in some shaky territory.
Instead, a good first move is to start asking family and friends what they think about your small business idea. Consider asking them specific questions such as:
• Would you purchase this particular product and/or service?
• What do you think its worth?
• What is the best way to market the idea?
• Is this something that you think is a fad, or do you feel it could be a viable business for the long term?
• Is there anything you can think of to improve this idea?
• What other businesses in this field have you heard of or do you currently use for this product/service?
If you're married and/or have kids, you should also be asking your family how they feel about you quitting your job and working from home. This will affect them on a psychological and financial level. If any of their answers are negative, you should spend some time discussing their concerns and decide whether your goal is worth continuing against their wishes.
After obtaining all of this feedback, go back to the drawing board and see if the idea can be improved upon so that your product or service can be differentiated from the competition. Remember, you want to hit the ground running and turn as many heads as possible when first starting off!
Finding Funding
Once you have an idea and the approval of your family, you need to decide how you are going to finance it. Most businesses will need at least a little startup income. This investment will hopefully help you break even after a year, but keep in mind that even successful businesses can remain in deficit for the first few years. Because of this, you will want to tap into a few different sources of funding. Some of these include:
• A small-business loan
• Savings
• Money generated from other investments
• Family/friends who will act as investors
• Personal loan from the bank
• Home equity loan
• Credit cards (as a last resort)
Source capital that won't hamper your longer-term security. In other words, try to avoid racking up costly credit card debt that could cost 20% or more in yearly interest fees. Also, try to avoid borrowing against your 401(k) or other similar plans as this may adversely affect your retirement.
Finally, one of the best things you can do before you take the entrepreneurial leap is to build up an emergency fund to fall back on if your company doesn't break even for a few months. Three months of living expenses is a minimum goal for a new business owner, but even more will help take the stress off of you and let you spend your energy on your company. (To learn more, see Build Yourself An Emergency Fund.)
Covering Your Bases
All business owners should think about what would happen to the enterprise and the revenue streams being generated if health or other issues were to prevent them from being involved in the business. In other words, if the entrepreneur were to become disabled, who would takeover? Could the business survive?
Consider these issues beforehand and determine whether disability income insurance makes sense, or if a partner could fill the void caused by your absence. (To find out more about protecting your company, see The Disability Insurance Policy: Now In English, Protecting Your Income Source and Protect Your Company From Lawsuits.)
Foreseeing the Future
It's great to own a business, but ultimately the entrepreneur will probably want to retire or move on to other challenges. With that in mind, you should create a business plan that discusses how you will transfer, sell or close your company. If your business depends on your unique knowledge and contacts, it may not be able to be assumed by another party.
There are few things more satisfying and rewarding than launching and owning your own home-based business, but before diving in, be sure to do your homework. Making a business work is not an easy task, but proper planning will help to increase its chances of success.
Traditionally, most people took a job with a single company at age 20, worked there their entire lives and eventually retired from that same company 40 years later, often with a nice gold watch. Now, the gold watches are gone and multiple career changes are almost expected over a working lifetime. This has given rise to the professional freelancer, someone who works without long-term commitments to a single employer. They hop from job to job, selling their swords to the highest bidder.
While the idea of being your own boss and enjoying the variety and freedom of the freelancer's life sounds great, these perks come at a cost. In this article, we'll help you decide if freelancing is for you.
To Be Bossed?
First, let's delve into why you might want to keep your nine-to-five job versus taking the free road to working in your PJs sitting on your living room couch.
1. It's Easier Come Tax Time
Employees have the advantage of knowing that their employer is responsible for the mailing of W-2 forms at the end of each calendar year with all of their tax information on it. The employees then will take the information on that form and enter into the appropriate box/line on their tax return (1040), which again is easily laid out.
Freelancers don't get off that easy. In fact, they are required to compile all 1099 forms from domestic employment, document the raw checks they receive from international employers, as well as keep accurate track of the many deductions and expenses they would have incurred throughout the tax year. This can be very difficult and time consuming. It also requires that the freelancer be extremely well organized, and either understand the basics of what is deductible or be able to afford an accountant who does. (To find out how to deduct your home-based business items, check out Don't Overlook These Broker Deductions.)
2. Retirement Accounts/Matching
While not every employer offers employees 401Ks and/or other retirement plans, it has been estimated that some 440,000 companies do, based on research by the Profit Sharing/401(k) Council of America. A good number of these employers also provide employees with some sort of matching contribution that usually vests over time. Freelancers typically do not get to enjoy this benefit seeing as they are not officially an employee of the company. (To learn more about matching contributions, see Introductory Tour through Retirement Plans, Making Salary Deferral Contributions - Part 1 and Part 2.)
Those who work for themselves may be permitted to set up Keogh Plans or Simplified Employee Plans to help fund their retirement, however they can be costly and time consuming to administer. Plus the contributions come from the employee's pocket. In other words, there is no "free money" to be had or matching programs available. (To find out how to establish your own plans, check out 401(k) Plans For The Small-Business Owner, Plans The Small-Business Owner Can Establish and Tax Credit For Plan Expenses Incurred By Small Businesses.)
3. Health Insurance
Based on a 2006 study by the Kaiser Family Foundation, roughly 60% of businesses in the United States offer their employee's health coverage. And while not every company absorbs the full cost of that insurance (some require employee contributions), the majority of the burden does traditionally fall upon the employer. This is a huge benefit for the average employee, given the rising cost of health care. (To read more on this subject, see Fighting The High Costs Of Healthcare and Five Insurance Policies Everyone Should Have.)
Freelancers typically must go into the open market and purchase their own insurance for both themselves and their families. Unfortunately, this can cost the freelancer thousands of dollars in after-tax money each year. The bright side is that the cost of insurance (co-pays and the like) may be deductible.
4. Set Hours and Stability
Full-time employees generally have set hours, which is great for guaranteed income and job stability. From a future employer's perspective, it also looks better if you have worked consistently at one company for a period of time, hopefully advancing in the position. There is very little room for a freelancer to edge out employees in this aspect, so if you aren't sure you could pull off freelancing, it may hurt more than your current bank balance.
Freelancers, though able to work whenever and wherever they are, generally end up doing just that - working more hours than intended on weekends, evenings and holidays. These non-traditional work hours can wreak havoc on family or personal time. In addition freelancers often have peaks and valleys in terms of work flow. They will either be incredibly busy for a time or be incredibly slow for a period of time. It takes a long time to find a common ground with a workload that will pay bills and increase a portfolio.
Or, Not to Be Bossed?
Now, let's take a look at what benefits there are to be found in branching out on your own.
1. Numerous Deductions
Freelancers who work from home are permitted to deduct expenses that they incur while performing their duties. This means that they may deduct the cost of computer paper, a computer, laptop, BlackBerry, cell phone, travel, and a myriad of other expenses that employees would not typically be permitted to deduct. If the items are used for personal and professional duties, then only a portion of the items will be deductible.
This benefit can run into the many thousands of dollars and can help to offset some of the federal and state income taxes that would otherwise be owed by the freelancer. (To get started, see How To Qualify For The Home-Office Tax Deduction.)
2. Variety and Flexibility
Employees are usually given a task or duty and then asked to repeat again and again, often for what can seem like eons. There is very little flexibility. Plus, these people rarely have the ability to branch out and learn new things.
Freelancers don't have such restraints. While they may work in a particular field such as finance, they usually have varying duties and deadlines and interact with a number of different people. As a result, they are much less likely to be pigeon-holed in a particular position.
3. Compensation
While it is not true in every case, the majority of freelancers (especially in the financial world) tend to be paid more per hour than their full-time counterparts. A major reason a company will pay a contractor a higher rate is that it doesn't have to provide health insurance coverage to its freelancers or generally pay their taxes for them. Freelancers must learn to budget in their income taxes into their requested rates so that come tax time they aren't paying out of pocket for work already completed and paid for.
Companies also offer higher hourly rates to get freelancers interested in their projects. Competent individuals don't come cheap, especially for short-term projects (three to six months) .
4. The Commute - or Lack Thereof
Many freelancers these days telecommute. All they have to do is flick on their computers from the comfort of home, and technically, they are at work. When it comes to the commute, freelancers usually have the advantage over employees who must hit the road during crush hours and spend valuable time, money and energy combating this nasty traffic. (Keep reading on this subject in, Extreme Commuting: Is It For You?)
Bottom Line
There are many advantages and disadvantages to being a freelancer. Being your own boss is great, and working from home is a big bonus, but before you take the plunge its imperative to carefully weigh the downside. Varying workloads and a lack of employer-funded healthcare, insurance and retirement planning can quickly destroy the benefits of "pajamas 'til noon".
Its part of that American Dream, in these tough economic times they are few guarantees, but the opportunities surround us if you know where to look. Millions and millions of people are looking to earn more money and save money at the same time.
One Dollar = Five Dollars
They call this profit.
Maybe you should get to know Gregory Bodenhamer, the founder of a great company that’s spreading like a healthy weed across America.
If you can learn these few things, really learn them, study and apply what Gregory Bodenhamer teaches, you’re going to change your success rate, inspire other people, forget about the price of gasoline and start helping other people. New Deal Ink and Toner Company is about people first, they just happen to sell more inkjet and laser toner cartridges than you can imagine. The principles of Gregory Bodenhamer are being taught around the world, one human being at a time. The State College Nollijy University Research Institute sponsors the white paper concerning research and people. New Deal Ink and Toner Company Mechanicsburg Pa is stretching around the world are the fortune 500 group is taking notice.
Hello my name is Dorothy Parker Ph.D. and my know-how and proficiency remains helping other people start and most importantly continue to operate a profitable business. I found Gregory working at a Fortune 100 company as one of a hand full of specialists, helping them grow and profit and the rest is history or should I say history in the making.
Gregory has started and sustained something. It’s called the New Deal Ink and Toner Company for a great reason, it’s never been done before, and it’s truly a New Deal Ink and Toner Company. It’s the very first public company that created and established an entire company based on the people first. Gregory Bodenhamer is the pioneer of people (PeopleNology) companies that just happen to sell products and services. His foundation work is found within fortune 500 companies, initial public offerings, small chapter S corporations and maybe even your local lemonade stand. Many people have never heard of PeopleNology because it’s right under the surface of many companies, making them profitable, making them happy, helping them grow and prosper into the future.
The good news is that with a little planning and some inventory help and advertising help from the New Deal Ink and Toner Company, it is possible to start your very own home based, cash making company. All you have to do is Google the name New Deal Ink and Toner Company Mechanicsburg Pa and get started.
Let's delve a little deeper into how to start a small inkjet, laser toner business from your own home or for that matter from your backyard garage, and help you decide how much planning and money you'll need to be your own boss.
Gregory Bodenhamer giving away the New Deal Ink and Toner Company Concept is your first big step to a new career.
Business is all about people first and products and services second. This is the new way to make money, people first.
Before you quit your job or before you go into business, the potential entrepreneur (you) must always first think of a concept, product or service to generate a steady income.
What do people want?
What do people buy?
Why do they buy those things?
Who do they buy them from?
How much do they pay?
Where do they buy from?
Are they happy?
Are they sad?
Answer these simple questions.
Do you have a computer?
Do you have a computer printer?
Does your printer take inkjet cartridges?
Does your printer take laser toner cartridges?
These are simple questions and your answers bring about a whole new business called the New Deal Ink and Toner Company.
Try not to become a man of success but rather try to become a man of value.
Some more questions?
Where do you buy your inkjet cartridges?
Where do you buy your laser toner cartridges?
Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.
Some more questions?
Do you know people that own computers?
Do you know people that buy printer ink?
Do you know people that buy laser toner cartridges?
And while that may sound easy, it's not. We have just asked some very simple questions that have arranged a multi-billion dollar industry for the most part that’s growing year after year.
If I have been of service, if I have glimpsed more of the nature and essence of ultimate good, if I am inspired to reach wider horizons of thought and action, if I am at peace with myself, it has been a successful day.
More questions?
Have you ever bought inkjet cartridges?
Were you happy with the price?
Have you ever been inside a Wal-Mart, Staples, Office Max, Bj’s Wholesale, Office Depot, Best Buy Store, Cartridge World or any other place that sells inkjet and laser toner cartridges?
Have you ever bought laser toner cartridges?
Do you know a business that has a printer?
Does your school have a printer?
Does your church have a printer?
Do your friends have a computer printer?
Your ability to learn faster than your competition is your only sustainable competitive advantage.
You should conceive a plan that puts your knowledge, experience and expertise to use but in a way that allows you to make the most amount of money. It’s only common sense to plan a business that will make money, with easy to find customers. It’s also very important today to realize that every human being on earth needs something. The good food, water and clothing are always required. But modern neighborhoods are full of modern technology and this technology has needs just like a human being. Realize that technology, specialized equipment like laser toner printers and inkjet computer printers are machinery and tools that require very little skill but does consume things like electricity, inkjet printer cartridges, laser toner cartridges and other consumables.
All my growth and development led me to believe that if you really do the right thing, and if you play by the rules, and if you've got good enough, solid judgment and common sense, that you're going to be able to do whatever you want to do with your life.
In all reality most people now have a computer and just about all computers come with a brand new printer that uses inkjet or laser toner printer cartridges, and they cost a lot of real money.
When first thinking of some business ideas, start with areas you already have a great deal of interest, equipment and materials for or can get quickly at some affordable price.
If your area of experience is not the place for you maybe it’s time that you strike out for something new and exciting and most importantly profitable.
The ink business is kind of like the barber shop haircut business.
The distance between insanity and genius is measured only by success.
You get a haircut often because in just a matter of weeks you need another one. An inkjet cartridge is about the same thing. Your printer requires ink and if you use it, you’ll need another inkjet cartridge in just a few weeks. To eat something is to consume something. To print something on your computer printer eats up ink inside your inkjet printer cartridges. Your printer guzzles ink and burns up a lot of your money.
Inkjet and Laser Toner Cartridges are described as consumables that illustrate that you use them and go buy another one. Your razor blades are the same way. You wear one out and run to the store and buy another. You drive your automobile by using gasoline, when you run out, you stop. When you run out of ink inside your inkjet or toner inside your laser toner cartridges you stop and discontinue printing, the process of printing ends and you must go buy more ink or toner. Sounds simple enough and you can turn out to be the richest man or women on the block if you may sell ink.
Small opportunities are often the beginning of great enterprises.
You can instantly buy a franchise and start your own ink business, but they are very expensive. The ink business does not have to be high-priced but most people just don’t know any better. People, just like you, have been taught through marketing and sales that ink is high priced, exclusive in nature and the brand names like Hewlett Packard, Epson, Brother, Canon and Lexmark is some kind of classy posh ink that you must have.
This is the business that you can start without any of the financial or economic fear that surrounds most business start ups. With very little hard cash you can start selling inside the multi-billion dollar ink business.
The fresh and contemporary author Dorothy Parker Ph.D. allows you the up-to-the-minute information you need to create your own business and launch your own great success. With this fortune 100 pioneer Gregory Bodenhamer Mechanicsburg Pa and the father of his own business you can have a new beginning. The foundation information that you must have is given to you freely and without all the counterfeit advice found inside so many business books. This is a genuine and real life guide book that allows you to start, survive, create success and become a noteworthy seller of inkjet, laser toner cartridges.
You and a bunch of friends can get together and toss your money in the hat and start anything you want. You should know that most business adventures fail. You’ll be glad to know that we know why most small businesses fail. We’ve solved all those problems.
1. You need a customer.
2. You need to know what they need and buy.
3. You need a supplier or factory or make what they buy.
4. You need to make profit on each transaction.
5. You need hundreds or thousands of transaction.
6. You need to understand that business is risk.
7. Customers don’t trust, they try first and then they trust.
8. You need a supply chain, factory, warehouse, store, customers. How do you get it to the customer.
9. You need help and advice from experienced people.
10. You need to sleep at night.
We all know the major brand names within this multi-billion dollar marketplace. The Fortune Companies like Hewlett Packard, Brother, Epson, Canon and Lexmark, just to mention a few, have become too important within the market and have made billions, yes billions of dollars in profit, they have forgotten the customers.
At times, in certain situations,their substantial size and production capacities, their world-class marketing and supply chain capabilities gives them the market capacity to charge too much and too often and trick customers, fund and support deceptive marketing and sales, trap and scam customers by the millions.
Their resources and wherewithal has created and sustained a global market within their product lines. They also have many inabilities, which we will review and talk about for your benefit. Hello, my name is Gregory Bodenhamer and I remain a Fortune 100 specialist and authority within the supply chain, wholesale and retail operations of very big companies.
Getting expert help is the key to success. This will help cut down on the startup costs as you won’t be making the mistakes like the guys down the street. Experience is knowledge and know-how and any company must have growing pains and suffer through start ups, inventory shortages, labor disputes and market changes but expert experience keeps everything in perspective so you can succeed.
For your company to hit the ground running when you do hang out your sign you’re going to need help, maybe a rich uncle etc but one thing for sure you’re going to need customers and products.
As an expert within my specialized field you will find my thoughts and action steps qualified and proficient. The inkjet, laser toner cartridge business is worth tens of billions of dollars. My own career allows me to guide you, show you the way to the direct path to profits, revenue growth and all the good things you can gain by starting your own business. Let me give you a suggestion into the great allusion that has been created by The Fortune Companies like Hewlett Packard, Brother, Epson, Canon and Lexmark, just to mention a few. This suggestion also comes with a warning. The very mention of these facts to your friends and family will create some bitterness and anger so you should keep them hush-hush.
The great illusion or if you prefer the great fantasy is that inkjet and laser toner cartridge components are expensive. These giant global companies have created their own daydream and also the consumer nightmare. Quality ink for your inkjet printer cartridges wholesales within the printing industry for about $60.00 to $75.00 a gallon. If you use a inkjet cartridge refiller service like a Cartridge World, Office Max or even Walgreen’s you’re getting about $0.75 cents worth of black ink for $10.00 to $15.00 dollars. The marketplace has created the false impression that ink is very expensive and very exclusive and very special to your specific printer.
The complete story tells the whole truth.
You need to do some homework. Where can you purchase inkjet and laser toner cartridges?
This great illusion,
the brand name inkjet laser toner cartridge business, like most magic tricks have some reality facts mixed inside all the false impressions.
Did these giant companies, the Fortune Companies like Hewlett Packard, Brother, Epson, Canon and Lexmark, just to mention a few spend millions of dollars on research, chemistry, production discipline, knowledge based research and development? Yes.
These companies and their retail partners followed the American Dream right into your purse or wallet. These companies have done great things with machines, engineers, chemistry, process controls, management, and designs, marketing and just plain old selling their dream to you.
You can print anything you want at home.
This printing technology allows you to enter the art of printing without any special skills.
All you need is their printer and their expensive ink
Doing something you like isn't the only consideration. You need to get an idea of the prospects for the potential business. Is it a business with a market? Can you make money at it? This will require some research into the marketplace as well as how other similar businesses have fared.
Developing a Work Space
Your home is where you live. This means that its primary function is to serve as a dwelling for you and your family - not as a warehouse or meeting place for your business and its clients. Make certain that if you are considering entering the manufacturing business (for example) that your garage or shed is large enough to handle your work - without forcing your family and your vehicles into stormy weather.
Similarly, if your work will be computer-based, make sure that you have the technology necessary to give your idea a fighting chance. In addition, make sure that you have a dedicated area that's cut off from the rest of the house and that can afford you some privacy. Remember, hearing a barking dog or a crying baby in the background when you are trying to work or meet with a client may not be ideal for you or your family.
Outsourcing Partners/Employees
while it would be great to be the sole owner of your company and have complete control of every aspect, sometimes a lack of funds or experience make it necessary to have a partner. In this case, consider someone that is bright, will represent the company well, and has some sort of expertise in the business you are developing, be it sales, marketing, book-keeping, or other financial matters.
Also, try to define the tasks that you and your partner(s) will be responsible for before opening up shop. That way, there will be fewer disagreements and the business will operate more smoothly. Also, make sure that all partners are legally cared for by the company, and that the proper forms are filed with the regulatory authorities - this may mean filing twice and paying for title changes if you need to find a new partner, but it will protect both of you in the long run.
Next, decide if you'll need employees - whether now or in the future. If so, put some thought into how you will get them and what you will pay them for their work. Also, think about how you'll do payroll and whether people will want to work from your home, from their own homes or if you'll need to find another facility to house them.
Doing Your Research
some books on forming a small business suggest that after hatching an idea, an entrepreneur should just "go for it." However, this bold approach could land you in some shaky territory.
Instead, a good first move is to start asking family and friends what they think about your small business idea. Consider asking them specific questions such as:
• Would you purchase this particular product and/or service?
• What do you think its worth?
• What is the best way to market the idea?
• Is this something that you think is a fad, or do you feel it could be a viable business for the long term?
• Is there anything you can think of to improve this idea?
• What other businesses in this field have you heard of or do you currently use for this product/service?
If you're married and/or have kids, you should also be asking your family how they feel about you quitting your job and working from home. This will affect them on a psychological and financial level. If any of their answers are negative, you should spend some time discussing their concerns and decide whether your goal is worth continuing against their wishes.
After obtaining all of this feedback, go back to the drawing board and see if the idea can be improved upon so that your product or service can be differentiated from the competition. Remember, you want to hit the ground running and turn as many heads as possible when first starting off!
Finding Funding
Once you have an idea and the approval of your family, you need to decide how you are going to finance it. Most businesses will need at least a little startup income. This investment will hopefully help you break even after a year, but keep in mind that even successful businesses can remain in deficit for the first few years. Because of this, you will want to tap into a few different sources of funding. Some of these include:
• A small-business loan
• Savings
• Money generated from other investments
• Family/friends who will act as investors
• Personal loan from the bank
• Home equity loan
• Credit cards (as a last resort)
Source capital that won't hamper your longer-term security. In other words, try to avoid racking up costly credit card debt that could cost 20% or more in yearly interest fees. Also, try to avoid borrowing against your 401(k) or other similar plans as this may adversely affect your retirement.
Finally, one of the best things you can do before you take the entrepreneurial leap is to build up an emergency fund to fall back on if your company doesn't break even for a few months. Three months of living expenses is a minimum goal for a new business owner, but even more will help take the stress off of you and let you spend your energy on your company. (To learn more, see Build Yourself An Emergency Fund.)
Covering Your Bases
All business owners should think about what would happen to the enterprise and the revenue streams being generated if health or other issues were to prevent them from being involved in the business. In other words, if the entrepreneur were to become disabled, who would takeover? Could the business survive?
Consider these issues beforehand and determine whether disability income insurance makes sense, or if a partner could fill the void caused by your absence. (To find out more about protecting your company, see The Disability Insurance Policy: Now In English, Protecting Your Income Source and Protect Your Company From Lawsuits.)
Foreseeing the Future
It's great to own a business, but ultimately the entrepreneur will probably want to retire or move on to other challenges. With that in mind, you should create a business plan that discusses how you will transfer, sell or close your company. If your business depends on your unique knowledge and contacts, it may not be able to be assumed by another party.
There are few things more satisfying and rewarding than launching and owning your own home-based business, but before diving in, be sure to do your homework. Making a business work is not an easy task, but proper planning will help to increase its chances of success.
Traditionally, most people took a job with a single company at age 20, worked there their entire lives and eventually retired from that same company 40 years later, often with a nice gold watch. Now, the gold watches are gone and multiple career changes are almost expected over a working lifetime. This has given rise to the professional freelancer, someone who works without long-term commitments to a single employer. They hop from job to job, selling their swords to the highest bidder.
While the idea of being your own boss and enjoying the variety and freedom of the freelancer's life sounds great, these perks come at a cost. In this article, we'll help you decide if freelancing is for you.
To Be Bossed?
First, let's delve into why you might want to keep your nine-to-five job versus taking the free road to working in your PJs sitting on your living room couch.
1. It's Easier Come Tax Time
Employees have the advantage of knowing that their employer is responsible for the mailing of W-2 forms at the end of each calendar year with all of their tax information on it. The employees then will take the information on that form and enter into the appropriate box/line on their tax return (1040), which again is easily laid out.
Freelancers don't get off that easy. In fact, they are required to compile all 1099 forms from domestic employment, document the raw checks they receive from international employers, as well as keep accurate track of the many deductions and expenses they would have incurred throughout the tax year. This can be very difficult and time consuming. It also requires that the freelancer be extremely well organized, and either understand the basics of what is deductible or be able to afford an accountant who does. (To find out how to deduct your home-based business items, check out Don't Overlook These Broker Deductions.)
2. Retirement Accounts/Matching
While not every employer offers employees 401Ks and/or other retirement plans, it has been estimated that some 440,000 companies do, based on research by the Profit Sharing/401(k) Council of America. A good number of these employers also provide employees with some sort of matching contribution that usually vests over time. Freelancers typically do not get to enjoy this benefit seeing as they are not officially an employee of the company. (To learn more about matching contributions, see Introductory Tour through Retirement Plans, Making Salary Deferral Contributions - Part 1 and Part 2.)
Those who work for themselves may be permitted to set up Keogh Plans or Simplified Employee Plans to help fund their retirement, however they can be costly and time consuming to administer. Plus the contributions come from the employee's pocket. In other words, there is no "free money" to be had or matching programs available. (To find out how to establish your own plans, check out 401(k) Plans For The Small-Business Owner, Plans The Small-Business Owner Can Establish and Tax Credit For Plan Expenses Incurred By Small Businesses.)
3. Health Insurance
Based on a 2006 study by the Kaiser Family Foundation, roughly 60% of businesses in the United States offer their employee's health coverage. And while not every company absorbs the full cost of that insurance (some require employee contributions), the majority of the burden does traditionally fall upon the employer. This is a huge benefit for the average employee, given the rising cost of health care. (To read more on this subject, see Fighting The High Costs Of Healthcare and Five Insurance Policies Everyone Should Have.)
Freelancers typically must go into the open market and purchase their own insurance for both themselves and their families. Unfortunately, this can cost the freelancer thousands of dollars in after-tax money each year. The bright side is that the cost of insurance (co-pays and the like) may be deductible.
4. Set Hours and Stability
Full-time employees generally have set hours, which is great for guaranteed income and job stability. From a future employer's perspective, it also looks better if you have worked consistently at one company for a period of time, hopefully advancing in the position. There is very little room for a freelancer to edge out employees in this aspect, so if you aren't sure you could pull off freelancing, it may hurt more than your current bank balance.
Freelancers, though able to work whenever and wherever they are, generally end up doing just that - working more hours than intended on weekends, evenings and holidays. These non-traditional work hours can wreak havoc on family or personal time. In addition freelancers often have peaks and valleys in terms of work flow. They will either be incredibly busy for a time or be incredibly slow for a period of time. It takes a long time to find a common ground with a workload that will pay bills and increase a portfolio.
Or, Not to Be Bossed?
Now, let's take a look at what benefits there are to be found in branching out on your own.
1. Numerous Deductions
Freelancers who work from home are permitted to deduct expenses that they incur while performing their duties. This means that they may deduct the cost of computer paper, a computer, laptop, BlackBerry, cell phone, travel, and a myriad of other expenses that employees would not typically be permitted to deduct. If the items are used for personal and professional duties, then only a portion of the items will be deductible.
This benefit can run into the many thousands of dollars and can help to offset some of the federal and state income taxes that would otherwise be owed by the freelancer. (To get started, see How To Qualify For The Home-Office Tax Deduction.)
2. Variety and Flexibility
Employees are usually given a task or duty and then asked to repeat again and again, often for what can seem like eons. There is very little flexibility. Plus, these people rarely have the ability to branch out and learn new things.
Freelancers don't have such restraints. While they may work in a particular field such as finance, they usually have varying duties and deadlines and interact with a number of different people. As a result, they are much less likely to be pigeon-holed in a particular position.
3. Compensation
While it is not true in every case, the majority of freelancers (especially in the financial world) tend to be paid more per hour than their full-time counterparts. A major reason a company will pay a contractor a higher rate is that it doesn't have to provide health insurance coverage to its freelancers or generally pay their taxes for them. Freelancers must learn to budget in their income taxes into their requested rates so that come tax time they aren't paying out of pocket for work already completed and paid for.
Companies also offer higher hourly rates to get freelancers interested in their projects. Competent individuals don't come cheap, especially for short-term projects (three to six months) .
4. The Commute - or Lack Thereof
Many freelancers these days telecommute. All they have to do is flick on their computers from the comfort of home, and technically, they are at work. When it comes to the commute, freelancers usually have the advantage over employees who must hit the road during crush hours and spend valuable time, money and energy combating this nasty traffic. (Keep reading on this subject in, Extreme Commuting: Is It For You?)
Bottom Line
There are many advantages and disadvantages to being a freelancer. Being your own boss is great, and working from home is a big bonus, but before you take the plunge its imperative to carefully weigh the downside. Varying workloads and a lack of employer-funded healthcare, insurance and retirement planning can quickly destroy the benefits of "pajamas 'til noon".
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