New Deal Ink and Toner Company Make Money NDITC
Inkjet Toner Refilling Remanufacturing Home Based Business How To Become A
Millionaire Get Rich NDITC Start Your Own Inkjet Laser Toner Printer Cartridge
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Suppliers Catalogs Price Sheets Importers Exporters Blueprints NDITC New Deal
Ink and Toner Company Mechanicsburg Pa U.S.A. Factory Directory Wholesale
Literally thousands of people are contacting NDITC
New Deal Ink and Toner Company because they heard about the fortunes being
made. Every person wants their own
sure-fire gold mine and NDITC has the monopoly on the treasure map. The inkjet and laser toner printer copier fax
cartridge business is a sure fire money maker but it took an American Genius to
put together the small business money making plan together that the big boys
just hate.
You do have a gold mine in your backyard. Yes, you can become a millionaire in the next year. Inkjet and Laser Toner printer cartridges are little golden nuggets waiting for you. You have a small business opportunity this very day so take your first step in the creation of your own money making business. Giant global manufacturing companies like Apple, Brother, Canon, Dell, Epson, HP Hewlett Packard, Kyocera, Lexmark, Minolta, Okidata, Panasonic, Pitney Bowes, Ricoh, Samsung, Sharp, Toshiba, Xerox, Konica, Lanier, Mita, I.B.M., Olivetti, N.C.R., Fujitsu and others along with their supply chain big box retailers like Staples Inc., Wal-Mart, Best Buy, Target, Office Max, Office Depot and dozens more truly understand that your neighborhood, your friends and neighbors are spending billions of dollars on inkjet and laser toner printer cartridges.
Self Employment - Jobs - Home Based Income - Home Based Business - How to become a neighborhood millionaire with NDITC - Start your own inkjet and laser toner cartridge business without refilling machines or expensive inventory
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American Inkjet Toner Cartridge Factory - Home Dealerships Wanted - Start your own inkjet and laser toner cartridge business, without machines, without franchise fees, without required inventory, start for free

His astonishing new NDITC small business plan is
one of the most talked about subjects at HP Hewlett Packard, Canon, Epson,
Lexmark, Dell, Brother and a couple of other dozen board rooms.
There’s good reason for all the chatter because the
inkjet and toner printer cartridge business just went local-world-wide. The founder of NDITC New Deal Ink and Toner
Company estimated the short term market at $500,000,000. Five hundred million
dollars and it’s all going to micro small business owners.
HP Hewlett Packard, Canon and Epson no longer have
the monopoly they wanted within the inkjet and toner printer cartridge business
segment. With a big pay off little
companies are opening, sustaining growth and creating micro small business
profits, mostly from their kitchen tables.
You don’t need a refill refilling machine and you never have to rent or
lease retail space on main-street. NDITC
has inspired thousands to register for services and they’re about to go
world-wide. Literally thousands of
people wanting their own small home based micro business have registered within
NDITC and these on-the-ball small business owners are virtually finding gold.
It your ready, without all the hassles, register your
home zip code,
The greatest cash crisis in history is upon every
American. You will be challenged by the possibility of food shortages, fuel and
energy shortages, shelter and housing shortages, very high federal, state and
local taxes and it’s going to get worse, very quickly.
It’s important, right now, that you accept this
financial challenge and start doing something about it to create a plentiful
life that will only be enjoyed by a few smart and quick acting people. You see,
the free enterprise capitalistic system within the United States is the answer
to all your problems. With over 20 million fellow Americans not working or at
the least not working enough the economic collapse for millions of people is
only a few months away. If you want to be one of the fighting families, concerning
both men and women, you have to get moving right away.
When your kitchen cabinet is full of canned goods
you don’t worry too much about having food on the table. When you’re on
unemployment you realize that it’s not much money but don’t forget it’s going
to end very soon. When you’re not sick you don’t think a lot about how much the
doctor charges for an office visit or how much your pharmacy charges for a
dozen pills. Let me tell you grasshopper the canned goods are going to run out
and so is the cash. You’ll need to plant your financial garden so you and your
family can survive the collapse of half of the citizens in the United States.
Don’t be fooled by your present day condition.
Don’t be fooled because you don’t need a doctor today. Don’t be fooled because
you have a half of a tank of gas. You might be making it right now today but
tomorrow will be different.
While you have some resources left it’s very
important that you plant the financial seeds for your future cash garden and if
you prefer you can call it your own victory garden.
The federal, state and local governments are about
to invade your savings and checking accounts in the form of taxes, fees and
fines. Officials talk about this pending disaster often but they never offer any
type of solution. This very day you are living in a temporary world. At any
moment you’re going to realize that we’re in a deeper depression than the last
one and the recession term is being used to make you feel better.
The prudent father and mother will take care of
their children. The needs of the family at 75% to 90% tax rates will drive you
into poverty in a matter of days. If you invest a small amount of time and
energy at this point you’ll be ready to survive with the other smarter or at
least the other quick acting people.
Starting your own business is the free enterprise
solution to your financial needs and it’s also the patriotic course of action
to take today. Millions of Americans have enjoyed the good life but 50% of
citizens are about to lose everything and we mean everything.
We have found a way for the average man or woman to
earn money without all the business expenses and you never need a lot of money.
You can earn more money in one day than you might earn today for an entire month.
The flavor and quality of your life depends on your quick action but, not to
worry we don’t want any of your money.
We’re going to give you a good business plan for
free so you can afford to put good food on the table. Undoubtedly you’re trying
to make a living now but you can do a lot better and your time and energy now
will pay off big in the future.
You can now profit by using the NDITC Program 1302
which is again free forever and you home zip code will be your plot to plant
the seeds for profits. NDITC stands for New Deal Ink and Toner Company which
has deep roots inside the printer fax and copier cartridge business.
Our founder and chairman will teach you the certain
lessons you must learn to profit in the modern American economy. You already
know that most citizens have a computer but maybe you didn’t realize that most
computer owners also have inkjet or laser toner printers. If you have a
computer, you have a printer and therefore printer owners are required to buy
inkjet cartridges or laser toner printer cartridges.
NDITC New Deal Ink and Toner Company U.S.A. has
completed the comprehensive surveys and market testing that shows beyond any
doubt that their NAND North American Neighborhood Dealerships covering
thousands of American zip codes, all parts of the country, is a sure money
Several serious attempts have been made by other
companies at creating a loose coalition or inkjet printer cartridge refilling
businesses but they are overwhelmingly struggling in this new global business
The truth of the matter revealed through data
research shows the mom-and-pop inkjet refilling and toner recharging business
model neglected several key factors during their planning.
1. A simple inkjet refill does not improve the
product experience to the consumer and only offers a very small economic
incentive to the customer due to high operating costs of the refiller and small
net margins.
2. Often times refilled inkjet cartridges fail the
printer test and the first time customer never becomes a returning customer.
First time customers never become that returning customer and word of mouth
advertising advocate that creates growth and revenue generation. Simply forcing
new ink inside a used and maybe defective cartridge is not now and will not be
the magic to create gross sales and net profits for the small inkjet and toner
printer cartridge refilling business.
3. The giant industry is fighting back and intends
to crush or exterminate every small mom-and-pop inkjet refilling company around
the world. The giant corporations made up HP Hewlett Packard, Canon, Epson,
Lexmark, Dell, Brother and their retail supply chain partners Best Buy,
Staples, Office Max, Sears, Office Depot, Wal-Mart, Radio Shack, BJ’s Wholesale
Club, K-Mart and dozens of others were not going to sit idly by and watch their
profitable business disappear from their balance sheets. Many of the national
big box retailers generate 25% of their revenue by selling inkjet and toner
printer cartridges and every cartridge refilled outside of their network
depletes their marketing, drains their advertising budgets and diminishes their
gross revenues and thus lessens their net operating profits.
4. The World Wide Web had radically changed retail
markets around the world and spectacularly sparked a wave of inkjet and toner
printer cartridge refillers around the world. The ability to connect with
consumers and buyers around the world is now affordable and significantly puts
pressure on the big box brand names and their operations.
5. The cost of a low output and unreliable inkjet
refilling machine would be anywhere from $1,500 to $5,000 that required
cartridge parts, bulk ink and almost constant maintenance and updating to keep
up with the giant O.E.M.’s and their retail partners. The low line desk top
type inkjet refilling machines offer little hope to their owners as they are
not truly adaptable and cannot accommodate the ever changing O.E.M. Original
Equipment Manufacturers cartridges. These rigid little inkjet refilling machines
are mostly imported and then assembled inside the United States for marketing
and sales to the baffled and mystified small business owners. The machine
makers and their half truths cause misfortune to most refill machine owners.
6. A medium grade inkjet refilling machine cost
ranges from $10,000 to $20,000 each and has the same problems as lower line
refilling machines. As the machines become more expensive they tend to allow
better adaptability for the refilling operations. Even with the elevated retail
price of the machine they still tend to fail the continuously changing inkjet
and toner printer cartridge marketplace.
7. A typical retail ready inkjet refilling machine
can cost $40,000 and they require constant maintenance, continuous computer
upgrades and there is no local service provider networks. The top line inkjet
and toner refilling and recharging equipment intermittently fail the refilling
process and require constant and regular maintenance and services. The
continual computer program upgrades required forces the machine owner to
constantly pay for upgrades and repairs.
8. High retail space leasing or rental costs for a
main street retail location is recurring monthly and much too high of a price
to allow profitability and insurance, employee training and turnover and low
quality output plaques the small inkjet and toner refilling recharging
business. The continual expenses of leases and rents, property and content
insurance, workman’s comprehensive insurance premiums, associate training and
turnover, energy expenses, machines, cartridge supplies and parts, test
printers, displays and store signs, outside media radio advertising, direct
mail advertising and other expensive components such as franchise fees,
management fees, advertising fees create negative cash flow very quickly,
within months of the grand opening.
9. Low volume sales continue to plaque the
mom-and-pop inkjet laser toner printer cartridge after-market and do not create
enough revenue to support the cost structure of the business. A small business
spending thousands of dollars per month to maintain their retail location and
systems might only have 4 to 7 inkjet cartridges to refill per operating day.
Promoters of franchise units and advocates of inkjet refilling machines and
toner recharging machines continue to sell the dream of creating wealth by
simply refilling inkjet cartridges.
10. The real hard facts today is that most inkjet
and toner printer cartridge consumers still spend their money at the big box
retail stores. The retailers have fundamentally locked up the inkjet and toner
printer cartridge market and are spending millions of dollars each week to and
in actual fact lock out the small mom-and-pop inkjet and toner refilling
operator. Broadly the O.E.M. giants and their big box giant retailers are
winning today but their long term viability is not as healthy-looking watching
their reported financial performances. Many cracks in their supply chain are
splintering bib box retailer customers and profits between more and more operators.
Even a small town mom-and-pop inkjet refilling operation finishing a couple of
dozen cartridges per week causes another hairline fracture in the big box giant
retailer plans always lowering their gross profits and net income.
11. Franchise operators must continue to pay
$100,000 to $250,000 franchise fees to start their own inkjet refilling
business. The initial franchise fee is only the beginning as Advertising fees,
Maintenance fees, Management fees, Gross Sales Royalty fees and other expenses cause
great harm to the small business owner. The franchise dream of paying another
company hard earned money, month after month, year after year that permits you
or charters your franchise business is a poor deal for the small business
owner. The franchise has no consumer or marketplace authorization to do or say
anything, it’s simply their plan that may or may not work.
12. The small business owner is forced into longer
and longer operating hours and at the end of the day is mostly losing money
month after month after spending their life savings and borrowing thousands of
dollars, mortgaging their homes and other risky financial dealings to try their
best to stay in business. The inkjet and toner printer cartridge business can
be a real life money maker but it takes a New Deal Ink and Toner Company to
create the new formulated business model.
13. Major retailers are playing to win and they’ve
created what many experts consider a scheme at best or a swindle at worst that
they call recycling rewards for customers for bringing their used and empty
cartridges to their stores for ultimate destruction. The conspiracy plot is
very simple and also very legal, even though unethical. After the consumer pays
the highest retail price the same consumer returns the empty and now used
inkjet or toner cartridge. The big box major retailer gives the consumer, in
exchange for the used cartridge, a store credit type reward that has little
true purchasing value. The used cartridge is destroyed and never to be seen
again. The consumer is forced to buy another high retail priced cartridge and
the cycle begins again.
14. Major O.E.M. Original Equipment Manufacturing
Companies are taking direct and nasty international legal actions against
compatible cartridge makers around the world for exclusive right patent
infringements and their winning in court.
The NDITC-NAND research and development data
clearly shows that the manufacturers are defending their market-share around
the world and their giant retail partners are more than willing to help wipe
out and devastate the mom-and-pop inkjet and toner printer cartridge refilling
market. At this point in time the O.E.M.’s have caused considerable damage and
surely plan to wreck the entire refill industry.
With a true pioneering spirit the Founder of NDITC
has created or devised a business model and system that defeats and overcomes
every obstacle that has been discovered within the market today.
With practical actions the New Deal Ink and Toner
Company (NDITC) (NAND), Mechanicsburg Pennsylvania U.S.A. has already triumphed
over these worldwide competitors and success is at hand.
There is a new era of prosperity within the inkjet
and toner printer cartridge market and it was created by our Fortune 100
Specialist Founder and is winning larger portions of the market every day.
Your prosperity depends upon the circulation of
money to your business which depends totally on the consumer’s satisfaction and
confidence in the quality performance of the inkjet and toner printer
Holding down costs and eliminating overhead
expenses, employee/associate costs, removing machine and technology
requirements combined and blended with Fortune 100 Expert Small Business
Planning merge within the NDITC NAND systems and designs.
The largest get together in America starts with New
NDITC New Deal Ink and Toner Company U.S.A. has
created the NAND North American Neighborhood Dealership
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Start your own cartridge ink and toner cartridge
refill business. Cartridge refilling is an industry that is emerging,
environmentally friendly, and best of all, offers Learn what it takes to start
an ink and toner cartridge refilling business, including the pros, cons and
where you can get more information Ink and Toner Refill Business Home NDITC
Start Inkjet Business Inkjet Toner Printer Cartridges Start my own STARTY MY
a home-based, ink and toner cartridge refill business can be a... How to Start
a Toner and Ink Cartridge Refill Business at Home. The ink cartridge business
is a great way to help both consumersand businesses save money on printer ink
cartridges. Providing toner and printer ink refill How to Start an Ink
Refilling Business. Printer companies gain large profits from the sale of
printer ink. A few entrepreneurs realized that refilling ink jet cartridges I
am looking into starting an ink refill business. ... My black cartridge ran out
the other day and on my way to staples, I figured I'd stop by The company
retails repurposed ink cartridges for printers and toners ...During the
business' incubation stage, the couple kept their day jobs as A few entrepreneurs realized that refilling
ink jet cartridges with little more than ink ...starting your own ink jet
refilling business requires minimal equipment and Refilling Ink and Toner
Printer Copier Cartridges remains the HOT SHOT small work-at-home business that
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Business No Refill Machines No Franchise Agreements No Royalty Fees New Deal
Ink and Toner Company. Start Your You can start a very small ink and toner
cartridge business all the way... You'll be able to buy ink and toner
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Dealerships Available - No Inventory - No Machines
- No Franchise Fees - NDITC
Hewlett Packard Inkjet, Epson Inkjet, Canon Inkjet,
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Mechanicsburg Pa Factory Importer Wholesale Warehouse Easily Start Your very
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of your own home. Start 100 % Free of
any charges.
Creativity: New ways of thinking and acting.
Curiosity Exploring and seeking for its own sake.
Open-mindedness: Seeing things objectively and fairly, from all
Love of
Constantly developing skills and knowledge.
Perspective: Seeing in ways that make sense and giving wise
Bravery: Not shrinking from threat, challenge, difficulty,
or pain; acting on convictions even if unpopular.
Persistence: Seeing things through, despite difficulties.
Integrity: Presenting oneself in a genuine way; taking
responsibility for one’s feeling and actions
Vitality: A zest and enthusiasm for life and living.
Love: Valuing, sharing and caring for others.
Kindness: Doing things for others without requiring
intelligence: Being
aware of how yourself and others are motivated, and acting accordingly.
Citizenship: Being socially responsible and loyal.
Fairness: Treating everyone in a similar way. Being just
and without bias.
Leadership: Driving achievement whilst maintaining harmony.
and mercy:
Forgiving wrong-doers rather than seeking punishment or revenge.
Humility / Modesty: Not putting oneself above
others. Letting achievements speak for themselves.
Prudence: Not taking undue risks or doing what you will
Self-regulation: Controlling one's emotions and actions according
to one's values.
Wonder: Appreciating beauty and excellence.
Gratitude: Knowing, feeling and being thankful for all the
good things in life.
Hope: Positively expecting the best and working to
achieve it.
Humor: Enjoying laughter and making people laugh. Seeing
the lighter side of life.
247 Secrets To Prosperity - Start A Small Business
Leading Expert Gregory Bodenhamer Learn How To Create Home Based Cash Income
NDITC Free Enterprise Plans Guides Manuals Books and Blueprings -
Self-Employment Guide Learn How - Start A Business, Spread The Wealth, Focus,
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evolution, biology, acceptance, approval, explore, order, peak, experience,
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